I'm tired after my first day of university. It's very interesting. I had three classes and it hadn't hit me that I was actually in school. Then I had economics. I can't even say what I learned. That's when it hit me that I'm IN SCHOOL. Summer's over, shit.. I did a lot of walking around campus back and forth, lining up in the book store...My only slip-up was giving in to going to Coldstone after classes with a couple of high school friends. Other than that, my day went well. Actually...the Coldstone thing really brought me down. I'll go to the amazing gym at UTM tomorrow since I only have one class from 11-12. I'm gonna run my ass off and try all the machines.

My mom totally flipped out when I came home for dinner and told her "I'm not eating all that rice. I'm putting half back." She was all like, "No, that's not even a lot!" I said, "I TOLD you, HALF my plate's gonna be vegetables and a QUARTER rice. I SAID that's my commitment." My mother replied by saying, "Fine, but I'm going to weigh you every month." I was like, "Uh, NO. That's not gonna happen. I'm not letting you, this is MY decision to establish a healthy LIFESTYLE for ME. ME. MY life. MY decision." She said, "As long as it's healthy." I said, "These are Canadian Health Guide standards. So..there." And she dropped it. I won.

I agree with you, I want a digital scale instead of the classic ones. I really need to invest in one but when I come extremely close to buying one, I chicken out thinking my money would be in better use later.