Sunday, October 2, 2011

Exercise Plan and The Gay Village

Okay.  Tomorrow I SWEAR I'm going to the gym.  I'm gonna spend AT LEAST an hour there.  I need to do a lot of cardio.  My plan is to get rid of some fat, first.  Once I lose some fat, I can start working on building some muscle.  (The way I see it, there's no point in working on building muscle if there's still fat in the way.)  I have midterms coming up, which I'm super nervous about.  I NEED to do well in them.  I'm SO FUCKING BEHIND in chemistry.  I actually really hate it.  The only reason I'm taking it is because I LOVE biology and most bio courses require stupid chemistry.
OMG.  So on Friday night...I went to the gay village downtown.  It was so fun.  I was with amazing friends (GUYS, SEE THAT, SEE, I HAVE FRIENDS) who totally have my back.  We went to a pub for dinner, where there was karaoke, and after we went to a gay/lesbian bar, where there was a drag show.  I was pretty disappointed because the majority was mostly gay men.  Where were the ladies?! Anyway, we decided that next time we're going to a bar known for lesbians.  The dancing was great though, and despite not having hooked up that night, I had a blast.  I'm so glad that I recovered.  My life would NOT be like this if I still had my ED.  Take care, ladies! 


  1. hope you had fun!!! xxoo

    - <3

  2. You sound like your life is really on track now, thats really good! Glad you are having fun! x

  3. Im so glad your having such a great time :D
