Friday, April 8, 2011

Almost There

You guys are just so amazing. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. My face lit up when I saw all your comments last post. I have no words. xo Economics was bad, but not so bad. I wrote psychology today and it went swell. Tomorrow I write French, and I am scared shitless. Okay, gonna speed up this entry and start studying. Monday I write Biology. I'm almost done! I'm thinking of transferring universities. I hate UTM, it was my last choice, I hate living at home, and my therapist has made me realize that I will never be able to "get over" my ED issues if I continue to live at home and "let" my parents control me. So I'm looking into applying to YorkU and, since my parents will probably refuse to pay for residency, I'll have to look into getting a student loan, which may suck, but it's better than hating life.
^That's basically how I dress for school, like, everyday. That picture of Karlie makes me so happy. I just can't wait until I lose all my hip fat so I can wear cropped tops and look so cute and so sexy. Lately, I have been eating the bare minimum. The fact is, I don't even feel like eating. It's become a chore. I'm not even kidding, I'm just so bored of eating and I'm too tired to eat and there are so many other wonderful things to do and accomplish so how can I even think about eating?! But, in any case, my weight's not budging because I haven't been at the gym since last week due to finals. Whatever. On Monday, if the weather's nice, I am going to go for the longest run of my life outside. (If the weather is bad, I'll settle for the treadmill.)


  1. Living under your parents roof is sucky, I became bunches happier after I moved out. It's also a lot less harder trying to keep things hidden from them. Fingers crossed for YorkU.

    P.S. Love Love LOVE your style. it's very me :)

  2. That's what we are here for girl:) I really hope you get into YorkU so you can get away from your rents.

  3. Living with the parental unit sucks, but sometimes when you're in college money is tight and you have to do what you have to do! The bad thing about living with the parents is you have to pretty much do whst they tell you- since it's their house and all...and it sucks even more if they're the really strict kind :/. You have tons of work ahead of you! If transferring univeristies would be best for you, the by all means I say go for it! You have to do what will benefit you more in the future. I can't wait till I lsoe my hip fat either- I want to look like the girl in the second pic :). The weather is looking so much better now that Spring is here! It's getting warmer and is much nicer- great for jogging!

  4. School being almost over is cause for celebration~!!! I think a lot of things change when you don't live with your parents. There is still a lot of pressure but at least you don't have to see them directly judging you on you decisions.

    I hope you had a kick-ass run and the weather was gorgeous!
