Saturday, April 2, 2011

Next Day Syndrome

Well. Um. This is embarrassing, but, uh.... Today was a bust. I fucked up, yes, big time, I binged. I don't purge anymore, I don't have the energy. I woke up with whatever I ate yesterday still in my stomach so I wasn't hungry, but my OCD compelled me to have my usual breakfast, despite the fact that it was 12 noon. I had a few chocolate covered biscuits and chocolate, despite telling myself 1000 times that I was supposed to making positive changes in my life today. I made brownies and ate some, despite the murderous pain in my already-full stomach. That is a very long day of bingeing made very short. I am exhausted. It's been one of those days where you just can't wait for the next day to come so you can start over fresh.
I'm starting fresh tomorrow. It'll be a perfect Sunday. I'll wake up by 9 AM, have a light breakfast, and wash my hair. I'll study economics from 10:30-3, then have an apple and straighten my hair. I'll study psychology from 4-6, then have a yogurt and drive to the library and study French until 10 PM. Sounds perfect. Let's see if I'm not completely full of shit. If tomorrow goes something like that, then I'm not full of shit. If I screw up, that means I'm full of shit and incapable of accomplishing anything. (Yes, I'm an extremist.)
I've been seeing my therapist and it's going swell. She has made me realize so many things about my life and who I am. She has helped me realize how controlling my parents have actually been my entire life. They have always had the best intentions, but they didn't realize that they went about it the wrong way. Everything my parents have ever done to me was so they could have better control over me. Looking back, it makes so much sense! I hate my parents so much, more than ever now, after realizing all this. They did this to me, I'm screwed up because of them. But my therapist says she will help me pick myself up and move on. I can't wait to get up.


  1. You will do better! Don't worry about today. It's over and done with, and there's nothing that you can do but improve in the future. Your focus is already on that--a good thing, yes?

    <3 Mae

  2. I have a gut feeling that tomorrow with be a sucess! So don't sweat it <3

    - Sabrina

  3. good luck tomorrow!! :) tomorrow is always a new day for a new start!

  4. Sorry about your rough day. Tomorow is a chance to start over so don't beat yourself up over what already happened. This bad day will pass and you'll move on stronger than ever before! Good luck with all your studies tomorow!

  5. I'm sure tomorrow will be a great today for you, you have such willpower to always keep going. Maybe something was different today that triggered the binge. Anxiety about school usually triggers binges for me. If you figure out your triggers, you can try and find other ways to solve the problem without food. Or the binge could have been a result of restricting. Either way you will definitely pull through.

  6. Wow you're so controlled, yourself. You're so hard working. I hope you're ok and that Sunday works for -you-. :) xx

  7. I fucked up all through yesterday too. Just eating whatever I wanted and only stopping short of a pizza. Let's both do better today. I am cheering you on!

    My parent's pretty much made me like this too, although they also had the best intentions. It's okay, because we ARE in control of our lives and no matter how many times we mess up or get messed around we can pick ourselves up and move forward!

    Hope you are having a wonderful day,

    Love you!

  8. You have the capability to do so much better! Use this as motivation to do better. I hate slipping up, it only makes me feel 10x worse. Tomorrow will be a brighter day (cheesy, I know!)

  9. I hope you had your 'perfect Sunday' lovely!! I am thrilled your therapy is going so well for you and helping you realise what's been holding you back. You are a phoenix - rise up past your parents and fly!

    Love you to death little one xx

  10. ahhh I'm so glad your with me on this Alisha! 10 lbs by April 22. I'm following your plan - no junk food binges, fruit instead. We got this shit!

  11. as im commenting after your tomorrow i hope all was a success. ALL parents like complete control over your whole life pretty much why they suck so bad. i meet need a therapist, my mum is near ruining my life :( xxx
