Thursday, April 29, 2010

That's it

I've had enough of binging.
I mean, I've had enough!
I was so good last week. Between the 19th and the 23rd I lost almost 2 pounds. I gained three pounds over the weekend.
I don't know why I "yo-yo" like this.

I want to be thin and frail and...perfect so bad!
I want my arms to look like sticks, like the way they did when I was bulimic last year.
Since losing my gag reflex, I've gained a lot...
But I can get over this! I can become skinny!

There are 25 days until my birthday. I want to lose 10 pounds by then. 10 pounds.
I need to stop binging. Stop eating junk. I need to get it into my head!
I'm getting so fat with all this binging! I don't want to be 106 pounds! I want to be in the 90s! I want to be thin...that's all. I feel so worthless. Like nothing is more important than being thin. I think, I will starve myself tomorrow. Only fruits and vegetables, if I'm really hungry.

Remember what you want, darling. Remember what is more important. Being thin will feel way better than that chocolate will ever taste.

Boney arms and protruding hip bones <3


  1. proturding hip bones!! yes =] hey, i saw that you posted on my blog. howd you find me? im gonna follow you =] laura

  2. Omg i totally need to get what you said in my head and toughen up. Im always eaing fatty foods and its hard not to eat without my parens knowing but ill try. I have about 2 months before my birthday and i wanted to be 90 pounds but im 110 right now. Thanks for posting this and i love the pictures.
