Thursday, May 13, 2010


Okay, weighed-in this morning at 104.1 lb. Awesome. Going down.
BUT, I couldn't get out of lunch with my stupid parents today. I should have just gone to school, instead of taking the day off. MY INTENTION was so take the whole day off to work on my English final project because all my classes were canceled on account of the nearly the entire grade being gone on a Biology trip. I got up at 9, ate a small breakfast, lounged around, then my dad took me to get my banking done, then we went for stupid lunch, and we get home at 2. If I hadn't taken the day off school, I'd be home around this time anyway. So in reality, I should have just gone to school, were I could have at least avoided having that stupid fatty cheesy pizza at lunch with my parents. Goddam.

So my weight probably won't go down for tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot to this stupid pizza sitting in my stomach. I'm gonna go to the library tonight, and work there until it closes. No more food today. I'm not coming home for dinner. I don't give a shit. My arms are looking quite toned and thin, I just need to lose more fat from my hips and a bit from my thighs. Tomorrow my whole school is going to the amusement park Wonderland all day. I'll eat minimally. Back to routine tomorrow.

At lunch, I told my parents about me wanting to go downtown for university and about how I feel about staying at home and needing room to grow. They REALLY want me to stay home. My mom talks about how she worries about me eating, becoming anorexic looking, etc. I'm said, fine worry about me, but get off my back. I told them that I'll be happy to stay at home if they just get off my back, especially about eating. They can say something if they want when things get dangerous, but PLEASE don't always be fucking nagging me about it like the way they are now. I think my parents and I have an understanding now. I think. I'm still going to think about where I want to go and I'll bring up this topic again in a couple of weeks.

Wow. It's not even funny how fat I feel, even nearly 2 hours after that pizza.
I wish I could have minimal body fat like her ^.


  1. ok so you said that your pro pic was of you. ok so your legs are really pretty. im your entire body is, but i love your legs!! =] and i so understand where you're coming from with your parents. my mom just the other day said, "i dont think its good for you to be going off for college. im afraid you wont eat. maybe you should see a doctor or something." so really i understand the parent nagging thing. i tell her im fixed and tht its my decision. shes still gonna let me go. i mean as much as your parents dont want you to go, its still your decision(i kno i keep spelling tht word wrong.)
