Sunday, February 6, 2011

Disappointment Beyond Explanation

I got 5 out of 15 in my economics test. My mark has gone down by 10%. I studied hard. I have no explanation for what happened. I deserve nothing anymore. Nothing. I am so disappointed. How am I going to punish myself... No more shopping. Until April. That camera you were just about to buy online, you can't have it. Uggs? You can't buy them anymore. All those clothes you put in your shopping cart on, delete. You don't deserve them. Today I am going to do cardio for 30 minutes, wash and straighten my hair, and study. I'm not gonna eat more than 300 calories today. In fact, I'm just gonna have an apple mid-day and that'll be all. Family is out tonight, so I'll be home alone. I am just so disappointed. This just shows how much harder I'll have to work than I already am...


  1. Alisha, I'm so sorry.
    This happened to me with a calc exam. I cried a lot, but I had to pick myself up and try harder, study even more, get help from friends.

    The next one will be better, I promise!

  2. Oh man that really stinks. I'm sure you'll learn from this time and do great on the next one. I hope tomorrow is better for you :)

  3. I'm sorry. The cardio will cheer you up though, hopefully.

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry hun. That's worse than going into the test knowing it'll be bad. The next one will be so much better though, you'll work your ass off! I'm sending you skinnies as always.

  5. Oh darling, I'm so sorry. Find comfort in study, lose yourself. It's what I'm beginning to do.. Law School is approaching so fast.

    Maybe we can fast AND study together, you and I :)

    I love you so much, sweety, please don't be too hard on yourself,
    Adeline xx

  6. Sometimes these things happen. You might have studied the wrong material, focusing too long on things that your teacher didn't end up putting on the test.

    Or perhaps your memory isn't functioning quite like it used to, now that it is having to manage with less fuel (food).

    You have to take care of your body to take care of your mind, for the most part. I know that you aren't ready for big piles of food, and even if you were, you wouldn't allow yourself to indulge.

    But I do think that a nice cup of tea or a second piece of fruit with a vitamin might be the love your body needs to keep your mind working at its best.

    I wish you luck on bringing the grade up. I know you can do it! Just don't be too hard on yourself. If you don't think you can achieve something, then you won't.

  7. i'm so sorry hun. especially when you tried so hard. use it as motivation for the next one xx

  8. I'm so sorry love. Low test scores really do my head in too. I hope your studying goes well and you feel all right soon.

  9. Please don't get so low and self hating. You're amazing and beautiful and strong <3

  10. Keep your head up!!!

    Doing badly in school always seems to make or break the way one feels about oneself but don't be to hard on yourself. Off-days happen, the brain just needs to rest and recharge sometimes.

  11. dont get discouraged youll gain the points back stay strong stay focused

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