Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just Some Personal Motivation

I will not eat. I won't give in to those temptations or those cravings. I won't because I have weight to lose. I have a goal to reach. Next time I get the urge to snack, I'll fight it. Hunger passes. It always does. Eating makes me feel depressed, sluggish, lazy, and tired. When I barely eat, I feel alive, active, and happy. I don't like the way eating food makes me feel. All it does is take away hunger for a short period of time, but hunger goes away on its own anyway! I don't want to feel sluggish. I want to feel alive all the time so I can focus on my homework, study harder, stay up later into the night. So I can be motivated to live my life.
We got 30 cm of snow overnight so my university cancelled all classes for the day. I'm home. My whole family is home. I hate when my daily routine is ruined, but I'll deal with this. It's good practice for weekends. Mom was all like, "We're gonna eat lunch together since the whole family is home!" I was like, "Uh, I don't think so mom..." I plan on eating an apple at 3:30. Pilates for 30 minutes and the stairmaster for 30 minutes from 4:30-5:30. Vegetables and some chicken for dinner at 6. Yogurt at 9. C'est tout. Today will be a day of productivity.


  1. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you can stay on track in the face of adversity? Also, screw snow. I hate winter.

  2. Food is my own worst enemy. Because sadly I enjoy eating it while eating it, but afterwards all I do is regret and look at how my stomach has expanded due to all the food. I only feel productive in weight loss whenever I fast! stay strong, good job on a productive day.

    xo Chloe

  3. motivation for me too hun :) stay strong x

  4. wow you're so inspiring. I totally agree with how you feel too
    well done hun xx

  5. "I will not eat. I won't give in to those temptations or those cravings. I won't because I have weight to lose. I have a goal to reach."

    Love that.

    We will lose the weight and we will reach our goals.

  6. You're posts are so inspiring ((: Thank you so much! Great job!

  7. just letting you know i nominated you for the honest scrap award:)

  8. I love your motivation!! Staying at home all day is the worst because (for me) it leads to boredom and eating, but you're right- it is great preparatino for the weekends! You're strong, you can fight those temptations to snack!

  9. So motivating. I'm trying to keep low til dinner, and this totally helps push me to the end. Dude, I'm totally with you on the fam front. It's like, "mom. I'm trying to have a liquid fast here. I can't eat your bruschetta. Jeez." Damn them for trying to feed us delicious food! Sending you skinnies darling

  10. Motivated me too! Keep it up lovely <3
