Monday, December 20, 2010

Never Take "Days Off"

My godmother's Christmas dinner went well. The Chinese dinner yesterday went well. Both dinners involved mere vegetables for me. I wasn't too happy with the dressing/sauces, but it can't have been so bad. (And THANK-YOU everyone for the tips!) I'm thrilled with my progress. My arms are thinner. My tummy is flat. It doesn't sound like much, but it's progress. My hips will shrink. I have faith in them. They are slow like turtles. But I have faith that they will shrink. I'm doing a lot of cardio. I took a break off working out today since my legs were so sore, and just did some ballet which was a bad idea because for the first time in 5 days, I binged and purged. Stupid. It was completely mindless. But I'm happy it was a mindless binge because it hasn't messed with my train of will power. I'm still as strong as ever. Tomorrow will be as good as the last 5 days, and I'll be hitting the gym in evening.
So I suppose working out everyday for at least 45 minutes is the best idea. I'll just skip the cardio component if my legs are too sore. Circuit training is a fun option! As of today I'm 104 lb. I've lost 4 lb since I decided to lose 5 lb for Christmas. I guessss that it's not too much to ask myself to aim to lose another 4 lb for Saturday, which is Christmas! Wow, I bet if I work hard enough, I could be double digits for xmas! Okay, but I'm not going to get carried away. Subgoals is the key to getting things accomplished without stress. So let's just focus on losing 4 lb in 5 days. Totally do-able. Did I hear someone say "Skinny bitch?" Oooh, sound appealing...!
^'Sup, Karlie? I'm gonna be in your league soon...


  1. Ahh! Saturday!
    "Skinny bitch!!"
    haha that was me you heard! I'm very jealous of your flat tummy and thin arms. :)
    What's your current weight?
    Karlie's in the house!

    Think thin and stay strong, dearest!

  2. I'm glad the dinner worked out okay for you! I had the same experience today. Instead of getting up and working out like I normally would I ended up skipping and as a result had a 'mindless binge' experience of my own. Tomorrow will be a better day for the both of us! You can definitely lose the weight by Christmas.


  3. P.S- I don't think he likes me but I hope in the future... maybe... ♥

  4. Way to navigate that dinner, that can be tricky. I'm glad you're feeling strong.

  5. wooow you've been doing so well since i was last on blogger!!! i'm so jealous of you skinny girl. keep it up xx

  6. Can i have some of your strength please? You're doing so well and i'm glad the chinese went alright for you. Stay strong x

  7. You're fabulous, dear.

  8. What a positive post. Thank you for keeping me encouraged. :)

  9. 'Skinny bitch'
    Yeahhhhhh, you're damn good, girl. You'll make it. But don't pressure yourself too much, it'll all come!


  10. I´m glad the dinner went well!
    And a little jelous that you tummy is flat! haha but really glad for you =)
    You will definitly lose those 4 lbs by xmas!!

  11. So happy for you that the dinner went good :) Flat tummys! Yay :) If you keep going the rate you are, you will lose more than 4lbs by xmas! xx
