Monday, September 20, 2010

Get a Grip

I'm so sore. Especially my glutes. Every time I sit know. I didn't work out for exactly 2 hours, but I burned a lot today. Walking around campus carrying 20 lb worth of crap counts, too. I attempted a yoga class, but 15 minutes into it, I thought it was the stupidest most boring shit ever. So I left and used a rowing machine for 8 minutes. Probably burned around 500 cals today. I just had some chocolate and bread, but I purged it. In any case, I need to spend another hour at the gym tomorrow. I wanna be 101 lb. Wahh.
I ate the usual amount of "nothing" today and spent the afternoon studying in the library. I left the library at 8 pm and started driving home. Then, HOLY FUCKING HELL, while I'm driving I see a fucking spider on the dashboard. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I am arachnophobic. Not good while driving. I start panicking like mad, then at a red light I put the car in Park, reached in the back, grabbed my 10 lb Bio book, and started aiming at the spider. I was still panicking. Light turns green so I drive and holy shit the spider is moving fast and I'm panicking panicking, must. stop. car. cannot. drive. going. to crash. KILL SPIDER SOME HOW. IT'S GOING TO GET ME. Then I smashed my book into the spider, the book falls on me, I scream, I make a left, throw the book off me, drive into a housing development, pulled over and got the fuck out of the car, hyperventilating. Basically, couldn't get back in the car and drive home, I just couldn't do it. So I called my mom to come get me. I drove her car back while she drove mine. I didn't realize how bad my phobia is until tonight...
I have a lot of work to do...Read 4 Bio chapters for tomorrow, 3 Economics chapters, go over some French stories, lose 2 lb this week, practice some calculus, read 2 Psychology chapters this week...
ps. omg 100th post!


  1. i'm so gad you didn't have an accident! that must have been so freaky - i remember once a spider climbed up the windscreen on the outside and it was so creepy seeing it from underneath..mum and i were screaming! good luck with all that work xx

  2. You're so sweeet haha :) But happy about the exercise! Congrats :)xxxxxxxx

  3. I share your feelings on spiders. Like they reduce me to tears most of the time. I have the same fear of slugs! Uh even the word grosses me out.

  4. Ugh. I HATE spiders! If that ever happened to me I definitely would have gotten into an accident, so I'm glad you didn't!!!
