Monday, September 6, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect

Tomorrow it all begins. My commitment to start my new life, a healthy-ish life. My commitment to lose weight, until I reach my ultimate goal weight of 93 lb. I am not going to wait any longer. I will see 93 lb on the scale by my 19th birthday, May 24, 2011. I am going to MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I have told my mother about how half my dinner plate will be vegetables. I didn't mention that I will NOT be having white rice, but she can figure that out later. She's agreed to eat more veggies with me. This week, I'm going to buy a digital scale and stash it in my room so I can weigh myself more often, easily. It's very cumbersome to have to sneak into the basement in the mornings, turn on the Wii, and weigh myself on Wii Fit. There are only so many times I can use the excuse 'I'm going to record a TV show.'
Tomorrow's gonna be stressful, since it's my/the first day of university. I accidentally messed up my schedule online, so I am going to try fixing it tomorrow at the office, but I'm not sure if I'll have time...I'm kicking myself for fucking up this bad. I had the perfect I'm on the waitlist for something I was already signed up for and I'm waiting to see if I can get into a lab section that doesn't conflict with another of my classes. Ugh. And to add to my problems, I've discovered something else I can binge on: 12-grain bread dipped in olive oil+balsamic. It's healthy and all, but not for someone who wants to lose fat and get to 93 lb.
But! Let's not forget my promise! I have promised that I'd never cave in for any reason again. I'm not going to binge anymore. I'll remember that every time I reach for unnecessary food. I'm gonna start this all off tomorrow by being active and healthy. In spirit with the whole fresh start thing, I think I'll take a laxative tonight to clean out my system. I'm not sure if I will, but maybe. Stay strong, lovelies! And good luck to anyone else going to college/school!

1 comment:

  1. i know, i pretty much thought it was the most adorable picture ever.
    speaking of pictures, i love the ones in this post!
    i know, treats are the best. just so long as you earn them and compensate afterwards!
