Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Sudden Urge

I'm sitting in the library studying Economics and
I just had a strange urge to forget about all this crap and just be normal.
You know...go out...actually eat something...
It was a very strange fleeting kind of urge.
My heart actually skipped a beat.
AS IF I could ever do that...


  1. I get that urge sometimes. It's so tempting, just to be carefree. But then I look at myself in the mirror and I know I am stronger and more beautiful fro resisting temptation!

    Keep it up! follow my blog, you're such an inspiration!

  2. Yeah, I get that urge a lot lately, and sometimes when I do just binged, I starve myself for about a day or two.

  3. I've had that... usually the psycho side of me stamps it out within seconds haha

  4. Duuuuude that happened to me last week....it's so tempting, I totally understand. For me, I know that if I ever try to be "normal", I'll still have the urge and the longing to be perfect, which would keep me from actually achieving normality...Rather than fighting my demons, we've decided to work on the same side :P

    Stay strong <3 love ya!

  5. in repply to your comment i am 5"2
    i hope your economics goes well
    and if normal is what you truely want dont let anyone stop you.


  6. i know the feeling. im sure most people here have had it before. sometimes it seems that would make you happy. but over all, you'd hate yourself more, or at least i know i would.

    good luck with economics.
