Thursday, October 21, 2010


I am currently craving GOURMET macaroni and cheese with bacon and a wrap filled with salty deli meats. Clearly, I have a carb and salt craving. My mom's going away for the weekend and she's made meals for the family, but I think I'm gonna ask my sister if she wants to make that mac and cheese on Saturday night. If she doesn't, I won't have it. If she does, I'll have it, but just to try. One bite usually satisfies a craving for me. It's been 4 years since I've had mac 'n cheese. Anyway, these cravings are bad because they're all I can think about and I have a HUGE economics test tomorrow. It's like this: "Okay, so the price elasticity of demand will increase if the price of...salty deli ham on a whole wheat wrap lathered with butter and melted cheese..." That's what the past 2 hours have been like for me.
I am currently looking very skinny. Worked out 2 hours yesterday and 90 minutes today. Two days of being back on track is all it takes...I saw my eye candy at the gym today. He's just this boy I noticed during orientation week. He's like Josh Hartnett plus Torrance Coombs plus a giant surge of HOTNESS. I have calculus with him and I always make sure I get a view of him, and he's so fucking hot, and every time I see him, I imagine fucking him, hot and steamy, in his dorm room. MOVING ON. I saw him at the gym, so hot goddam, and he saw me, and he's so hot, oh baby. I forget where I was going with this. Hahahahahaha...


  1. man I know the feeling. I love seeing them smokin guys all over my campus.

    xo Chloe

  2. Holy moly haha I think I actually drooled at the picture of that mac n cheese... amazing food porn. Yay hotties! <3

  3. MACARONI. ohmygosh.

    Im starting to force gym time into my schedule again, I had fallen a bit off the wagon with that lately. Approach your gym hottie! Who knows where that could lead :)

  4. hahaha loved this post! i would give you full marks if you wrote that in your eco test lolx x

  5. woah god I can't look at that or I'll go eat my kitchen out! O.o skinny thoughts, skinny thoughts!!

  6. haha!! we're totally doing the same econ shit right now. elasticity!! but i really like economics :p <3
